WARNING: Following this procedure may damage or permanently destroy your device. This procedure is provided with NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Perform this procedure at your own risk.
Step 1: Pushes Superuser, su, and other root files. Sets correct permissions to enable functioning root
Step 2: Flashes bigrushdog modified stock 3.1 boot.img (kernel) to enable external storage
Step 3: Prevents system from over-writing custom recovery
Step 1: Downloaded the XOOM_RootTool_3.1.zip
Step 2: Downloaded a recent ClockworkMod recovery image: ClockworkMod Recovery (make sure to download the .img, not the .zip)
Step 3: Installed a physical SDCard in your Xoom (required for ClockworkMod Recovery updates) and have it functioning properly
Step 4: Configured the Android SDK on your PC, with adb functioning properly
Step 5: Downloaded fastboot and have it functioning properly (usually alongside adb in platform-tools)
For more information head to the xda post. Do let us know how helpful we were in the comments box below.
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